ID EVENT DATE Motion Action Category
M1989-023 Quarterly Meeting 7/9/1989 Nominated Jan M. as Joanie M.’s replacement on the committee to look at the possibility of having an office and computer. The motion was seconded, voted on and passed. Passed 1, 16, 21,
M1990-018 Quarterly Meeting 7/22/1990 A motion was made to set aside $10,000.00 and appoint a committee to pursue the purchase of two lap top computers with printers and software programs to be used by the area secretary, treasurer and committee persons. It was voted on and passed. Passed 1, 5, 21, 25,
M1990-019 Quarterly Meeting 7/22/1990 There was a motion made to give the Computer  committee the power to buy the said computers for the area. It was passed. Passed 1, 21,
M1990-029 Quarterly Meeting 10/14/1990 A motion was made by Ellen E. and seconded by Gary C. to appoint an Ad Hoc committee to look into the percentage set for group contributions to GSO, Area, District, and Intergroup. The motion was voted on and passed. Passed 1, 15, 21, 22, 24,
M1991-021 Quarterly Meeting 1/13/1991 "Decided" to defer committee report (Ad Hoc Committee headed by Rodney R.) until April assembly due to lack of time during conference.   1, 21, 
M1991-032 Quarterly Meeting 10/20/1991 Motion by Helen M. to vote at assembly on proposal for chairman to appoint Ad Hoc Committee on making the January Conference beginning in 1993 a more effective 2 day assembly. Vote for 70, against 2. No minority opinion. Passed 1, 17, 21,
M1993-002 Quarterly Meeting 01/10/93 A motion was made and seconded to establish a "Standing Finance Committee" . The motion passed. See 1992 minutes concerning the "Ad Hoc Committee to Study Self-support" for committee duties and responsibilities. Passed 1, 6, 21, 26,
M1995-004 Quarterly Meeting 01/22/95 Linda G. moved and Rodney R. seconded to approve the Finance Committee recommendation to fund the  P&P Ad Hoc Committee printing expense. Motion passed. Passed 1, 6, 20, 21,
M1995-018 Quarterly Meeting 07/09/95 Ad Hoc Committee on Quarterly Facilities did not recommend a hotel but presented its findings to the Assembly. The Assembly voted to sign with the  Holiday Inn Hobby Airport for  1996-97 beginning with the October 7-8, 1995 quarterly meeting. Passed 1, 21,
M2001-022 Quarterly Meeting 10/14/01 The Bi-lingual Ad Hoc committee made a motion to add a Bi-lingual Standing Committee to the standing committees to the Southeast Texas Area into the Policy and Procedures. The motion was amended to read "For the Area to form a Multi-lingual Standing Committee within the Southeast Texas Area which will have a budget. The amended motion passed. Passed 1, 6, 9, 20, 21, 26
M2003-024 Quarterly Meeting 10/12/03 The Newsletter Ad Hoc Committee recommended a set of guidelines for the Newsletter. A motion was made to table the voting until the next Assembly Motion passed. Passed 1, 11, 21
M2004-001 Quarterly Meeting 01/18/04 Gus Henry made a motion to to postpone the discussion on the Newsletter Ad Hoc Committee recommendation until the April assembly. Angie Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried. Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-005 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Katy Gray made a motion to amend the TDJC Chairperson section of the SETA Convention Guidelines and Suggestions on page 11 as follows: Eliminate "TDJC from all guidelines and replace with "CFC"  except in third bullet point leave in TDJC. Amendment Passed Passed 1, 17, 21, 
M2004-006 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion was made to accept the SETA Convention Guidelines as amended. Motion passed 54 for and 16 against. Passed 1, 17, 21
M2004-007 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion #1 of the Newsletter Guidelines states: "No last names of members of alcoholics anonymous will be used in the newsletter". Motion passed Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-008 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion to amend recomendaation #2 of the Newsletter Guidelines which states: "The Newsletter will accept articles from Area Officers, Standing Committees, DCMs, and GSRs of the Southeast Texas Area" by eleminating the word GSR. Motion failed. Failed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-009 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion to amend recomendaation #2 of the Newsletter Guidelines to read: "The Newsletter will accept articles from Regional Trustees Area Officers, Standing Committees, DCMs, GSR, and Past Delegates." Motion Passed Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-010 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion was made to accept recommendation #2 of the Newsletter Guidelines as amended. Motion passed. Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-011 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion to accept Newsletter Guideline #3, which states: "Members may request from Newsletter Editor to be added to electronic mail list." Motion passed. Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-012 Quarterly Meeting 04/04/04 Motion to accept Newsletter Guideline #4, which states: "The Nowsletter will carry the folowing statements: A. The newsletter editor reserves the right to edit/or decline to publish any comment or flyer deemed inappropriate or for editorial needs. Passed 1, 11, 21 
M2004-012 cont'd1     B. Excerpts from Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve and Twelve or the A.A. Service Manual are printed with permission of A.A.W.S Inc. The Preamble as well as excerpts from the Grapevine are printed with permission of the A.A. Grapevine Inc. Motion passed.    
M2006-004 Quarterly Meeting 4/9/2006 Area Convention funds should be separated from the Southeast Texas Area budget and account. A separate restricted fund should be established for convention monies. A suggested cap of $15,000 should be placed on this account. Any monies over the cap will be directed to the Finance Committee for a recommendation.The motion passed. Betsy will appoint an ad hoc committee to revise the wording in the Policies & Procedures Manual. Passed 1,5,6,17,20,21, 22,26,
M2006-010 Quarterly Meeting 4/9/2006 The motion was passed to table the motion on self support for the Gratitude Dinner. Betsy will appoint an ad hoc committee to research this request. Tabled 1,21,23
M2006-014 Quarterly Meeting 7/9/2006 The Ad Hoc Newsletter Committee recommended changes to the SETA Newsletter. The motion passed. Passed 1,11,21
M2006-015 Quarterly Meeting 7/9/2006 Parth M made motion that we remove the pie chart from the 7th Tradition information page which is printed on the last page of the SETA quarterly minutes. A motion was made by Fritz B. and seconded by Debra R to postpone the motion on the pie charts and appoint an ad hoc committee to research this information and report back to the October assembly. This motion passed. Tabled 1,21
M2006-019 Quarterly Meeting 10/8/2006 An Area Action passed in January to separate the convention funds from the SETA budget and Betsy would appoint an ad hoc committee to revise the wording in the Policy and Procedures Manual. The final recommendation for changes to the Policies and Procedures Manual is ready for a vote and comes out of the Committee as a motion and a second. The motion passed. Passed 1,5,6,17,20,21, 22,26,
M2006-020 Quarterly Meeting 10/8/2006 The motion passed to fund the annual Gratitude Dinner by voluntary contributions of AA members in Area 67. Contributions can be made throughout the year and by passing the basket at the event. Passed 1,21,22,26
M2007-004 Quarterly Meeting 4/15/2007 The ad hoc  committee on Januray Committee meetings at the SETA  Convention recommended that the Area Assembly continue to hold Area Committee meetings at the  January SETA Convention.  The motion passed Passed 1,17,21,
M2007-005 Quarterly Meeting 4/15/2007 The ad hoc  committee on a Prudent Reserve for the State Convention recommended to have the surplus funds from the State Convention continue to be given to the SCAP committee to put in their account and that the SCAP build a reserve for the funds minus what the committee needs to operate. The motion failed. Failed 1, 12,17,21,
M2007-006 Quarterly Meeting 4/15/2007 The ad hoc  committee on SETA Convention Guidelines recommended that we put back in a line from the 1995 Convention Guidelines that was omitted from the 2004 Convention Guidelines.   The line is as follows: "5.1.1.k Workshop - See A.A. Guidelineson Conferences and Conventions MG-4. May delegate all or part of this responsibility.  The motion passed Passed 1,17, 21
M2007-007 Quarterly Meeting 4/15/2007 The ad hoc committee on Pie Charts motioned that we support each of these group services with contributions from your group treasury after all expenses have been met. The motion passed. Passed 1, 21,22 
M2008-002 Quarterly Meeting 4/13/2008 A recommendation to rename the Website Committee to the SETA Information Technology Committee and adopt information Guidelines provided by the committee. In addition user job description will be updated as provided in the guidelines. Motion was approved. Passed 1,14,20, 21,26
M2009-020 Quarterly Meeting 10/4/2009 The Archives Committee asked the Assembly to consider and Archives Repository Project. Friendly amended motion to consider a repository for the Archives Committee, excluding the finances.  The Area Chair will appoint a  Ad Hoc Committee to search for a repository location and bring the details back to the assembly. Motion approved. Passed 1, 2, 21
M2010-008 Quarterly Meeting 4/11/2010 Motion for the Archives Repository Ad Hoc Committee have approval to seek property contract for SETA archives repository not to exceed $10,000.00. Passed 1, 2, 21
M2010-012 Quarterly Meeting 4/11/2010 Motion to include in all current job descriptions the following sentence- turn in annual budget and attend budget meeting.  Passed 1, 21
M2010-013 Quarterly Meeting 4/11/2010 Form an ad Hoc Committee to review and revise Area Committee Job Descriptions first quarter of even years to report final recommendation at the April Assembly. Motion carried.  Passed 1, 21
M2010-016 Quarterly Meeting 7/11/2010 The SETA ( ET) Ad Hoc Committee on Informtion Guidelines  eand expenses of $100.00 for rent at Spring Branch Memorial Club were approved. Passed 1, 21
M2010-017 Quarterly Meeting 7/11/2010 The SETA Convention Guidelines were revised to include 1) submit proposed hotel contract to finance Committee for review and approval prior to signing, 2) submit a projected budget and expense to finance committee for review and approval prior to release of funds,  3) submit a detailed final convention treasurer report to the April Assembly, 3) finance committee develop uniform budgeting/reporting formats for future SETA Convention Treasurer. The motion was approved.  Passed 1, 17, 21
M2011-014 Quarterly Meeting 7/10/2011 Ad-Hoc on SETA Mailings Procedures – The Ad Hoc Committee on SETA Mailings proposes that the preferred method for Area Minutes distribution is via email & SETA Website postings, with the following guidelines: Last names removed from Minutes that are emailed, as in the Website postings; Persons without email access will still receive by mail; Ability to “opt in” or unsubscribe at any time.
The Ad Hoc Committee on SETA Mailings further proposes that the preferred method for Area Newsletter distribution is via Email & the SETA Website postings with the following guidelines: Phone numbers removed from the Contact Page of the Newsletter, leaving first names, last initials and the SETA position-based Email addresses; Those without email access will still receive by mail; Ability to “opt in” or unsubscribe at any time.  Motion passed unanimously and is effective immediately
Passed 1, 11, 14, 21, 25, 26
M2011-015 Quarterly Meeting 7/9/2012 Motion to hold an Area Committee Inventory.  Motion passed unanimously. Chair will appoint Ad-Hoc Committee. Passed 1, 21
M2011-019 Quarterly Meeting 7/10/2011 Motion to hold an Area Assembly Inventory.  Motion passed unanimously. Chair will appoint Ad-Hoc Committee. Passed 1, 21
M2012-014 Quarterly Meeting 7/15/2012 The Ad Hoc Committee on 2012 Job Descriptions made a motion to accept the proposed Job Descriptions for 2012.  Deborah D made a motion to postpone indefinitely and Gus H seconded.  Preference was for potential position holders to talk with current ones and then update the Job Descriptions.  Motion to postpone indefinately passed. Passed 1, 21
 M2013-003 Quarterly Meeting 1/14/2013 Motion regarding Archives Workspace amended to appoint an ad hoc committee.  Discussion followed about need for ad hoc committee.  Vote resulted in simple majority objecting and vote to revote passed.  Motion failed after reconsideration. (No minority opinion heard on recosiderations.)  Motion failed. Failed 1, 2, 21
 M2013-009 Quarterly Meeting 4/14/2013 (Original Motion by the Archives Committee 07/15/2012 to set aside funds and resources to continue the SETA Archives Repository.  The current lease expires September 30 and a new lease will need to be negotiated.  Discussion followed on the wording of the motion.  Motion was made to table and was seconded.  Motion to table was defeated.
A friendly amendment was offered: to remove wording  "set up funds and resources."  The motion would then be "to continue  the SETA Repository.  The friendly amendment was accepted by the Chair for the Archives Committee. The new motion to continue the SETA Archives Repository was made.  More discussion followed.  Vote to call the question.  The Friendly Amendment to the Motion passed.  Minority opinion was heard.  Vote to revote.  Motion to revote failed.  Motion stood.)

The motion was made to amend the original and amended motion and to appoint an ad hoc committee.  Discussion followed regarding the need for an ad hoc committee.  There was a simple majority in favor.  Vote to revote.  Motion passed.  The motion failed under reconsideration.   No minority opinions allowed on reconsiderations.
Failed 1, 2, 21
M2013-012 Quarterly Meeting 4/14/2013 Motion for Area Chair to ask for a sense of the Assembly before forming an ad hoc committee.  Passed with substantial unanimity. Passed 1,21,25
M2014-006 Quarterly Meeting 7/13/2014 Proposal by the Ad Hoc Committee that the Area consider adding the following words to the current policy, "or Area Intergroups/Central Offices within the boundaries of SETA." so the policy would read "Verbal announcements, flyers or displays that are not of the Area, General Service Structure of AA or Area Intergroups/Central Offices within the boundaries of SETA 67 not be permitted." Tabled 1,21,15,20
M2015-020 Quarterly Meeting 10/4/2015 The Chair, Troy B., read the proposal as submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee for Cooperation vs Affiliation as follows:       
1. Verbal announcements, flyers, or displays shall be allowed at all SETA Assemblies and Conventions if  the events are sponsored by any one or more of the following entities:                
a. SETA Assembly sponsored events, including, SETA Conventions and SETA service committees.       
b. Events sponsored by SETA districts and/or groups.      
c. General Service Structure of AA events sponsored by the General Service Board or General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous, including General Service Conferences, International Conventions, SWARAASA, Regional Forums, Special Forums, and other similar events.       
d. Texas State Convention, including when held in cities outside of the SETA Area 67 Area; and       
e. Intergroups/Central Offices events, such as workshops, sponsored by Intergroup/Central Offices and their service committees located within the boundaries of SETA Area 67. 
2. If approved, this motion shall be added to the SETA Policies & Procedures Manual under the section titled AREA ASSEMBLY MEETINGS and monitored by the SETA Alternate Area Chairperson.”
The 2015 Revised Cooperation Not Afflilation Proposal after much discussion with the 2/3rds majority.  The minority opinion was heard.  No one changed their vote.
Passed 1,21,20,26
M2015-022 Quarterly Meeting 10/4/2015 Troy B reread the motion to be voted on by the Assembly Weekend Ad Hoc Committee:
"Presently, Section 1 of the section "AREA ASSEMBLY MEETINGS", which is found on page 6 of the Policies & Procedures Manual, reads as follows:
 The Area Assembly shall meet quarterly in a two-day session.
The proposed revision adds the words "at a minimum" and reads as follows:
The Area Assembly shall meet quarterly.  Each quarterly session  of the Area Assembly shall meet for a minimum of at least two days."
The motion does not carry, following much discussion.    Troy B. asks for a minority opinion.  Among them, the opinions expressed was the motion would allow for more service.  No one raised their hands following the minority opinion to change their vote.
Failed 1,21,20,
M2016-002 Quarterly Meeting 1/17/2016 Motion to move all Area business to Saturday, and only hold elections on Sunday Assembly (Originally this motion was listed with the other four motions from the Ad Hoc Committee on the 3rd Legacy Elections.  See above, M2016-0001) Passed 1, 21,16,