How to get a "public domain" street map of an address

in the United States


“Public domain” means there is no Copyright © on the image and you can use it in your web page without written permission from a Copyright owner.


Go to the Terra Server advanced find  courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey and several US businesses.


Enter the complete address and click Go


Click on the “Aerial Photo” link.  If there is no “Aerial Photo” link then this process can’t continue.


You should see an overhead view of the area where the address is.


Click on the 'Info' link at the top   


The image on this page will have the approximate latitude and longitude of the address.








Copy the latitude and longitude into the Tiger Map Server Browser (Updated 12/19/13)


Set the Map Width and Height to .008 to start and click the Redraw Map button.  You can reset the map dimensions later for better readability.


Use the Place Marker option to put a crosshairs symbol and label where the group or club is located.  The input boxes to select the symbol to use and add the label are down near where you entered the latitude and longitude.


Click ON THE IMAGE to:

Zoom in, factor:

Zoom out, factor:

Move to new center

Place Marker (select symbol below)

Download GIF image


You might want to look up the address in Mapquest,, to see exactly where to put the symbol.



Right click on the image and save it to your hard drive.


Don’t say the gubmint never gave you nothing!