SETA Alternate Delegate


Alt-Delegate:   Bella L.

 Alt Delegate Job Description

 Descripción de Funciones


Regional & State Events / Eventos Regionales


The alternate delegate

"The Conference recommends that all areas elect alternate delegates. The alternate delegate serves as an assistant to the delegate, often traveling with the delegate or giving reports for him or her. In some areas, the alternate serves some special function of the committee. Many area committee treasuries recognize the need to support the alternate's expenses separately from the delegate's."

An alternate who replaces the delegate at the annual Conference meeting will remain on the G.S.O. mailing list as delegate until G.S.O. is informed otherwise by the Area Committee."

excerpted with permission by AAWS from The A.A. Service Manual, page S46

The alternate is also responsible for writing an article for the Southwest regional Newsletter, which informs the other areas in the region of Southeast Texas Area activities.


El delegado suplente

"La Conferencia recomienda que todas las áreas elijan delegados suplentes. El suplente sirve como un valioso ayudante, suele acompañar al delegado a visitar los grupos y dar informes por él o ella. En algunas áreas, el suplente desempena una funcion especial en el comité. Muchas tesorerias da área reconocen la necesidad de cubrir los gastos del suplente separadamante de los del delegado titular.

El nombre de un suplente que reemplaza al delegado en la reunion annual de la Conferencia queda inscrito en la lista de correos de la G.S.O. hasta que el comité de área notifique a la oficina de un cambio.

reimpreso con permiso de AAWS de El Manual de Servicio de A.A. Paginas S50-S51

El suplente también es responsable para escribir un artículo para el boletín regional del suroeste que informa a las otras áreas de las actividades de nuestra área en la región suroeste de Texas.





This page is part of the "Official" Website of the Southeast Texas Area of Alcoholics Anonymous, Area 67. This site is not endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. or any internet service provider. It is an AA service solely provided by the Southeast Texas Area Assembly. Links to web pages external to this site and event notices for non-SETA events are supplied for information only and do not imply any affiliation with the Southeast Texas Area Assembly or Alcoholics Anonymous. No copyrighted material shall be purposefully posted herein without the express permission of those individuals or institutions owning the relevant copyrights. Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and the Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc.

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Site Last Updated: Thursday January 09 2025

Contact the Alternate Delegate if you want them to make a presentation
to your group or district meeting.

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